Talia's Jewels is committed to keeping your details private. Any information, we collect in relation to you such as your name, address, phone number and email, is kept strictly secured. All information provided to us when accessing this site through your device will be used in accordance with the United States privacy laws. We do not pass on, sell or exchange any of your personal details with any third party. We use your information to identify your orders, process and deliver your products to your address.
We may use your information to provide you with additional promotional material about our business and to personalize your shopping experience with us. If you do not wish for us to do so, please contact us at to be removed from our customer database.
Using our site and purchasing from us means that you agree to our privacy policy. This privacy policy may be updated as and when required without any notification, so please refer to our policy from time to time to keep up to date with any changes.